"CIS Brockett Legacy Issue"
15.04.09 | The special issue of Communication in Information and Systems on the legacy of Roger Brockett is now available online at the following locations:Part I, Part II. It contains contributions by members and Mohamed Ali Belabbas and Navin Khaneja entitled Gradient flows on Kac-Moody Lie algebras and the periodic Toda lattice and On Some Model Problems in Quantum Control.
ACCESS Distinguished Lecture Series
14.04.09 | Roger Brockett will deliver the ACCESS Distinguished Lecture Series at KTH on the subject of Asymptotic Properties of Markov Decision Processes
Peter Sagirow Lecture
13.04.09 | The Peter Sagirow Lecture of the University of Stuttgart will be given this year by Roger Brockett. The title of his lecture is Cybernetics, Artificial Intelligence and the Avoidance of Mathematical Blind Spots
Seminar at the Harvard Biostatistics Department
13.03.09 | Mohamed Ali Belabbas will give a seminar at the Harvard Biostatistics Department on Monday 03.30.09 entitled Large-Scale Network Data: Inference and Algorithms for Analysis.
Lab Overview
The Harvard Robotics Laboratory was founded in 1983 by Prof. Roger Brockett. Our current research projects include the following.